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VMWare and MBAE


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yes, you can install the free/trial version of MBAE inside a virtual machine even if you have it on your host. I've done this quite often.


As for protecting it, I usually disable the Workstation server service as I have no need for remote access to a VM. Might consider adding that one if you do.


I usually just set it to protect VMNat.exe these days. I believe I tried adding most of the other exes as well without issue so you could give it a try if you wanted.

I stopped protecting most of them as vmnat is the only internet enabled one constantly running on the system.


vmware-vmx.exe is where the guest os runs but I'm not sure how effective MBAE would be against something like venom:http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2117469but thankfully vmware products were not affected in this case.

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Hi btmp once again! So I find it hard to find all vmware related .exe so I simply just add shield from the vmware services that shows up in task manager will that do (Total 5 .exe)? 


And about the Workstation server service is it the 'vmware-hostd.exe'? How do you disable it? By task manager or thru the vmware client, Would adding shield to it be sufficient enough? 


Thanks again btmp for helping to clarify my doubts!


Out of topic: Upon adding shield I found that I could just simply write that the file name... *laughs* had been always searching thru folders to add shield... anyway would MBAE able to shield other files like .dll? (Though .dll dont run by itself  :lol:

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