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Just upgraded to Windows 10, mouse and keyboard won't work.


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Hello and welcome back:


Quite a few of our forum members and staff folks are quite adept at Win10 troubleshooting.


Alas, I am not one of them. :(


We don't typically do a lot of deep, non-malware-related computer repair work here.

And it is the weekend...


So, until one of the many, more expert folks has a chance to help out for your issue, you *might* want to consider posting at a more "general" computer help forum, such as bleepingcomputer.com or tenforums.com?

(I only mention this because you might be able to get help a bit more quickly at those other venues.)


Otherwise, please wait for assistance here.

In the interim, it might expedite the process if you could please post back with some preliminary logs attached to your next reply here in this thread.

The helpers may need additional data or logs, but the FRST logs (FRST.txt and Addition.txt) from the Diagnostic Logs sticky would be a good starting point.



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Just my 2 cents: it's possible that you had your keyboard and mouse connected in USB 3.0 ports, or ports from your tower (if you have a computer) directly, and since you upgraded to Windows 10, the drivers for these might not be installed (maybe because Windows 10 didn't find any compatible ones). Did you check in your Device Manager if you have any devices listed as "Unknown Devices"?

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