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I am going crazy with this same issue too, except it's not every 8 seconds, it's many times per second. For some reason, I can't cut and paste from Event Viewer (the events are under 'system') and listed as 'information'. The event ID is 61703 task category 5352. I have over a gigabyte of these mbamchameleon messages.


I have no other antivirus besides Windows Defender.


I have just had to reinstall Windows 10 (latest version) for the 5th time because of various errors. 


Malwarebytes 'self protect' is unchecked (off) and been off.


I have ran full Malwarebytes scans, and Anti-exploit is enabled.


I can't find anything using Hitman Pro 3.7.


I can't find anything with Malwarebytes anti-rootkit. 


I can't find anything with Windows Defender Full Scan. 


Any suggestions? 

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Hello and :welcome: , @helstark:
We have not seen this problem reported in over a year (and much has changed since then, with newer versions of MBAM).
Until @exile360 or another staff member has a chance to reply to this very old thread, it would help to know a bit more about your system.

Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)


Thank you,

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