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Is it safe

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Hi. I just have one question. I know you do not approve any kind of piracy but I don't think this program falls to that category. If there would be original one to buy, I'd be happy to do it. So my question is if someone could check if it is safe to use. Virus total detection ratio is 5/55 but the ones that do detect it as a virus say it's a Trojan. If you do not work this way sorry to bother you and feel free to delete this topic.

Thanks in advance.


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Hello and :welcome: :


This particular forum is reserved for assistance with installing/running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM).


If you have a possible malware file for possible inclusion in the MBAM database, I suggest starting with the advice HERE, and then posting the requested information in the Research Center HERE.

The MBAM researchers will evaluate the file.


Having said all that, please see the forum Piracy Policy for more information.


Thank you,

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