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Is every domain from Equatorial Guinea, DOT.GQ blocked?


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I have a few domains with multiple extensions.

They are all on the same server, same account, same package and SAME IP address!

Funny enough only the dot. gq versions are ALWAYS blocked, why?


Even when I empty the public_html folders MB shows a blocked ip address.


I checked, no DNS hijacking, no mal content, and it happens on ANY server I own, on ANY IP address, in every plausible solution, still a "false positive"!


Is this a "security blanket" for the whole registry? Or is it a blunt discrimination of everything in this emerging country? (Equatorial Guinea).


I'm not judging your approach, I just want a simple answer: Is every domain from Equatorial Guinea, DOT.GQ blocked?


To prove my point I just registered the domain  malwarebytes.gq (www.malwarebytes.gq) , mounted it on my server (xxx.xxx.xxx.190) and redirected it to https://www.malwarebytes.org/ , funny enough > you are now blocking your own website! 


See attached screenshot






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