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Install on infected Win 7 PC?

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I just bought the Premium edition at a store. Before I try to install, I need to know if it can defeat the infection I have and actually install without being altered (basically controlled by) the infection like all the other things of any kind that I try to install.


Thanks, BR

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Hello and :welcome: :


It looks as if your post refers to MBAM (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware)? :)

(This forum section is reserved for support for a different application, MBAE (Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit).


In any event....

Yes, Chameleon is a special technology to help install and run MBAM (not MBAE) on a heavily infected computer.

However, we are not permitted to work on possible malware-related issues here in this section of the forum.

Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.

A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.


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My reply text this color...


Hello and :welcome: :


It looks as if your post refers to MBAM (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware)? :)  I bought the retail box "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware + Anti-Exploit Premium (3 PCs for 1 year).

(This forum section is reserved for support for a different application, MBAE (Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit).


In any event....

Yes, Chameleon is a special technology to help install and run MBAM (not MBAE) on a heavily infected computer.

However, we are not permitted to work on possible malware-related issues here in this section of the forum.
Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.



I followed the instructions and was asked to post my logs at https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/forum/7-malware-removal-help/, which I did. However, that post isn't showing anywhere, although I navigated away from the page, then checked for replies before I signed out and it was there.


One reason I'm posting within your quote is to see if my comments get disappeared this way, too.


Thanks tons, daledoc1     BoRe

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Thanks for the update and clarification.


For the record, Chameleon is already built-in to MBAM.

So, generally, there is no need to download the standalone Chameleon utility.


I do not see a post from you in the Malware Removal section.

So it does not look as if that one survived the trip.


Perhaps try again with a new post HERE?

(To expedite the malware removal process, it would help to start with the advice HERE and to attach to your new post in the malware removal section the 2 logs from FRST (FRST.txt and Addition.txt).)

One of the malware helpers will assist you with scanning, cleanup and repair.


Thanks again,



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