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Malicious website protection enables then disables!

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I am new to the forum and I was wondering if I could get some assistance.


Essentially, I had an old system [Dell gx620 USFF] that was running windows xp 32 bit and the hard drive stopped working. So I decided to upgrade the hard drive and maybe the OS to windows xp 64 bit system. I installed the OS and the windows updates and began to install my software next. The first item on the list was malwarebytes and I wanted to try the free 14 day trail. In the past, I have always used the free version. After enabling the free trial for premium I turned on the website and malware constant protection but it would not allow me to enable the Malicious website protection. It does enable the malware portection but not the website protection. I have researched a decent amount and have tried the generic fixes as I will state below:


1} I restarted the computer

2}Uninstalled and reinstalled the program

3)Uninstalled porgram using mbam-clean- then reinstalled with the current version the malwarebytes of the program

4)I completely reinstalled the Whole OS again with windows xp 64bit



To no avail nothing has worked, now I dont know if it has to do anything with compatibilty on the 64 bit xp operating system, but I have provided FRST.txt ,Addition.tx., and Checkresults.tx as well as a pic of my malware program if you could provide any insight that would truly help.





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I dont know if it has to do anything with compatibilty on the 64 bit xp operating system


Website protection is not compatible with XP 64 bit and will never be.


Software Requirements:

Windows 10 (32/64-bit)

Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit)

Windows 8 (32/64-bit)

Windows 7 (32/64-bit)

Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 or later, 32/64-bit)

Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or later, 32-bit only)

Internet Explorer 6 or newer

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