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The last version of jrt don't close after finish

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Hi everyone,

sorry for my bad english, i'm an italian tech and i use this powerful tool often to solve pc problem.

I've noted that from the last two/three release jrt after has finished its work don't close but remain a cmd windows with:

"JRT has succesfully been run. Please rewiew the report in jrt.txt.

Impossible to find the batch file


C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions>


I use D7 (i've seen you put it in the whitelist and about this i'd like you put also dSupportSuite in the whitelist if you can) and i've a batch to fully automate the entire process of jrt but now don't work with the result i've wrote upper.

Can you please tell me how can solve this issue?


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Starting from 8.0.0 I made the tool empty its directory in %TEMP%\jrt once the report (JRT.txt) was closed. If I understand correctly, prior to 8.0.0 (7.6.4 and below), you have been looking for the report in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions ?


Which may make sense because Chrome is scanned towards the end. However, you should be able to find the report at %TEMP%\jrt\JRT.txt (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\jrt\JRT.txt) if you still have the report opened.


Alternatively, and I'd recommend this since you're using Italian language of Windows, perform "File" -> "Save As" to the desired location of your choice while Notepad has loaded JRT.txt from within %TEMP%\jrt.


Hope this helps... if you have any other questions or concerns let me know.


I will whitelist "dSupportSuite" in the next update. :)



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Hi Thisisu,

thank for the answer. Now i'll try to be more specific.

As i said i use dsupportsuite that is a sort of automated maintenance for end user full of great tool and one  of this is the great jrt.

Nick Saw, the creator of d7 and dsupportsuite provide us with a bat file to full automate jrt. This bat worked well until version 8.0 of jrt but from version 8.0 jrt stop its works and wait for an input (as i said in my first post)

The file bat is this:


@echo off&pushd "%~dp0"
cd "..\..\3rd Party Tools"
start /wait JRT.exe -y -nr
pushd %temp%\JRT
"%temp%\jrt\WGET.DAT" -q "http://mypersonalsite/apps/wl_processes.cfg"-O wl_processes.cfg      <----this is a workaround i made to bypass the fact that dsupportsuite isn't in whitelist
if not exist "get.bat" goto :eof
find /v /i "pause" get.bat>tmp.bat
find /v /i "notepad" tmp.bat>get.bat
start /wait get.bat


I'm not so practise of cmd so i don't know what i can add or modify in my bat to made jrt finished its work like before version 8.0. Can you help me please?

Thanks in advance!

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