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I have a user that must save many of her emails for reference. Because there is so many, her mailbox is always above capacity. We want to transfer many of them to her computer. She has them all in individual folders in outlook. How do you save or transfer emails directly to a folder on the computer and out of outlook without having to open each one individually and then save to?

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She has them all in individual folders in outlook.


We'll assume that is Outlook from the MS Office Suite ( not Outlook Express from Windows XP and older ) .

The objective is to create an Outlook Data File.  This will create a file with the extension PST.  It is best created in you Documents folder.  Such is KevinFry.PST.


Then you move all the email messages off the email server into the PST.  You can create folder in the PST that represent people, places, functions, groups, etc.  Emails that are associated with these people, places, functions, groups, etc, are placed in these folders.  Grouping them makes the organized and you won't have to sift through as many messages to find the one you want.  Once the email is transferred off the email server to the PST, she won't be over quota.  If she uses MS Outlook regularly with MS Outlook not enabled to leave the email on the server, she won't go over quota.


With the email messages in the PST she'll always have access to them and as an Outlook PST file, you can back up said file.  However I do not suggest allowing the size of the PST to be greater than 4.5GB so the PST can be burned to a DVD disc as a backup.


Email messages are not like MS DOC and XLS files.  Email messages are best served in the email client itself and not as disk files.  However one can create email disk files.  It is done by simply highlighting the email message and dragging that message to a disk folder such as you Documents folder.  It will create a file with the extension MSG.  To view it, all you have to to is double-click on the MSG file and it will open in MS Outlook.  This capability is good for a few email messages but it is contraindicated to do this for a large number of email messages.


In your reply please provide the following information...

  • MS Office version ( Ex. Office 2011 )
  • OS version ( Ex.  Windows 7 )
  • Email Service Provider ( Ex.  Yahoo! )
  • Email access type ( Ex. IMAP )

kevinfry:  If you are serious about this query ( and I have my doubts because you chose this subject matter for your first post here at Malwarebytes ) I request that you reply in short order.

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  • Root Admin

As we have had this exact same question (worded a little different each time) and it has always turned out to be a spammer trying to hoist their product or post a link to some less than legit site I'm going to go ahead and close this topic. If you're really looking for information then it really is easy to search and find on Google but you can send me a private message if need be and I can reopen the topic.

Thank you


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