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PUM.Optional.NoDispScrSavPage? What is this?

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Hello All,


We are currently trailing Malwarebytes Endpoint for Business - I have deployed to my first machine :-) and have run a FULL scan I had just one issue found.




Which is flagged as Anti-Malware?  However I am confused to see where there is a list defining what type of malware this is?  From the research I have done it looks like it is a reg key from our group policy to block the use of screen savers on our domain.  What would happen if I deleted this would it not come back due to group policy?  _ Should I be looking at excluding this type of threat as a false-positive?


But I need to be sure so hence my question on here - Also how can I found out the detail about this security log like a wiki/kb on each threat name?


Many thanks



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