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Some days ago I was informed I was sending out email messages with odd links.

My PC has a virus or malware this message just appeared: I was running a backup on macrium reflect at the time.

What should I do, I have malwarebytes installed but scans have not picked up anything unusual


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How is a Publisher's Certificate for akamai.net an indication of malware ?
You wrote...
"Some days ago I was informed I was sending out email messages with odd links."
You can scan your PC but what you stated doesn't even have to be a result of anything being on your PC.
Your email account could have been compromised and a web mail server could be dishing out spam.
Email is using spoofing that makes you look like you are the source of the spam and they were not even sent from your account.  
The headers of the received spam'd email will show how they were sent and would show evidence of where they emanate from.
At this point I'd say the Publisher's Certificate for akamai.net is a red herring.
Most often spam emails that use someone's email account is a case of their account being compromised.  Often the compromise is done by account phishing Just look at my Verizon phish thread and you'll see I have received numerous phish emails because I have a Verizon account.


Sometimes the compromise does not stem from phishing, it is done by a hack attack on the email provider.  This has been the case on a few occasions with Comcast and Yahoo!.


The first thing you should have done or should do is to change the email account password to a new Strong Password

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It's a moot point.  If, as you stated...  "Some days ago I was informed I was sending out email messages with odd links."

That's where you start. 


I don't want to get into a discussion about Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) and the use of Certificates and why certificates will be in your Certificate Store.


Simply put..  It could very well be related to a Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL ) link to a Content Delivery Network system.

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