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Is there a reason why e-mail programs such as Thunderbird and Windows Live Mail are not included in the list of shielded applications? Maybe the most important e-mail applications should be added to this list.


Regarding PDF viewers, it would be nice if PDF-XChange Viewer could be added to the list of shielded applications. This PDF viewer is used by quite a lot of people.


Thanks you.



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  • Staff

Hi Buddel,


Basically the list of applications shielded by default from factory is a direct relation with applications that we've seen targeted in the wild with exploits. In some rare cases we've added applications by popular demand (some weird browser vendors, LibreOffice, etc.) and not because we've seen exploits in the wild for them.


We could add some email clients in the future, but that would require a lot of testing on our part from QA perspective and we've just simply been focused on other things (adding new techniques, fixing bugs, etc.). But for the future we could probably add some of the more popular ones.



PS: posting MBAE suggestions here is totally OK!

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