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I have a user I'm working with that uses Turning Point to do her job; however, Anti-Exploit keeps triggering a false positive and not allowing PowerPoint to load the plugin. This is a plugin for PowerPoint that allows users to survey student input with clickers. This is a legitimate piece of software used by a lot of colleges. I looked in the logs and see that the software has blocked it, but I cannot exclude it, the block doesn’t generate a hash (Exclude is grayed out and can’t in the management console without a hash). I have been deactivating the shield on PowerPoint to get around this, but it doesn’t remember this setting after a reboot… at this point I’m just going to uninstall the software for now.


Is there anything that can be done to allow PowerPoint to use the Turning Point software and still have Anti-Exploit on the system?

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  • Staff

Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting.


This problem is most likely fixed in the latest 1.08 version of Anti-Exploit.


Can you please post or PM me the logs to verify that it is the problem that is fixed in 1.08? I just need a ZIP with the entire contents of the C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit\ directory.

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting.


This problem is most likely fixed in the latest 1.08 version of Anti-Exploit.


Can you please post or PM me the logs to verify that it is the problem that is fixed in 1.08? I just need a ZIP with the entire contents of the C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit\ directory.


Thanks, I will check to make sure the version they have is 1.08.

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