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Hey it has been forever since I have gone on the forums and I was wondering what kind of free software you recommend for a computer.


Things I have

Malwarebytes Anti- Malware (Premium) 10/10

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (Premium) 9.5/10


Avast Free!



I have used Anti- Malware for a few years and its splendid I am still getting used to Anti- Exploit though. :)

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My thoughts are always the same...


All the software in the world will not protect you if you don't practice Safe Hex.


That is have situational awareness and when you use the computer and access the Internet, use caution.  Just like the caution you may use when crossing a busy street.

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And "free software" is often "get-what-you-pay-for".

Sometimes, you get "more" than you pay for: PUPs, malware, toolbars, advertising, etc. :D


For "free" antivirus applications, you might be interested in this: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/596957/i-am-looking-for-advice-on-what-antivirus-and-antimalware-to-use/#entry3868491


I've never quite understood computer users who will gladly drop $50 for a game or a piece of hardware, but won't pay a few pennies per day (or less) for a robust security suite.

(I'm not saying that's you. I'm just saying...)


Having said that, David and the others are correct.

The first and last line of defense is the computer component located between the chair and the keyboard.


You might be interested in this helpful, comprehensive resource covering all aspects of computer security: Answers to common security questions - Best Practices



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