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MBAM 2.2 and licence validation

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I have been a very long time user of MBAM. I bought my lifetime license a while ago.

I'm running VMWARE on my main PC on which I dared to also activate a second instance of my single MBAM license. I know, I know 1 license... Two PCs, that's an official no go.


But up to 2.1.8 it never been a problem. Both instances were running "registered". After upgrading to 2.2 on the VM instance, the lincense police kicked in and reverted it to limited Free.


Well - OK... fair enough


On what based 2.2 is considering a license legit?

Do I have to I have to de-activate it and re-activate it?

When I bought my initial license, it was activated on a laptop that got stolen. I re-installed/re-Activated on the new/current PC using my printed records. So technically it is still activated on the stolen PC and on my current one.


I don't want to also lose the legit one so I still run 2.1.8 on my main PC.


Shame on me but what should I do?

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Hello and welcome back:

Until a forum staff member has a chance to respond....

Yes,1-PC licenses can be activated on ONLY ONE computer at a time.

Activation on multiple computers will eventually lead to blacklisting of that license.

This applies to both 2.1.8 and 2.2.0, so you are already in violation if you are using the same license on 2 systems. :(


If you want to run MBAM Premium on a 2nd computer (or VM, I am pretty sure), you will need to purchase a 2nd license.

Current Consumer licenses are for 1 PC, but are subscription-based (IOW there are no more legitimate lifetime licenses available).


The procedure to transfer a license is here: How do I transfer my Malwarebytes Anti-Malware license to a different computer?


Unfortunately, the only folks who can help with licensing problems are the Support folks at the help desk.
We here at the forum do not have access to the necessary information to resolve such an issue.

  • If you already have a ticket at the Help Desk, please try to be patient. The Help Desk is busy, and they are also assisting users with technical support and malware cleanup cases.
    • Please do not open multiple tickets there -- doing so will slow down the process and could delay their response to you.
  • If you do NOT already have a ticket at the Help Desk, you may open one HERE.
    • Please provide the Help Desk with as much of the following information as possible (but do NOT post this sensitive information here in this forum):
      • Name of purchaser
      • Email address of purchaser
      • Date of purchase
      • cleverbridge reference number (or details about the seller, if it was NOT malwarebytes online store)
      • MBAM license ID and Key information
  • Either way, please be sure to check your spam and junk mail folders, to verify that the emails from the Support team did not land there by mistake.

In the interim, you may wish to perform a CLEAN REINSTALL of MBAM -- the setup wizard will offer a 14-day Trial with the full, premium features, while you sort out the licensing issues. (1 Trial per PC per MBAM program version)

Thanks for your patience and understanding,

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