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Hopefully I can clarify.  


The "Advanced Settings" referred to here are indeed only available to Premium and Trial users. But most of those settings, including "Automatically quarantine" and "Start MBAM with Windows" don't even apply to the Free version.


The way it's currently presented in the interface is rather confusing because it does make it seem like those options are pre-checked and enabled for Free with no ability to disable.  


However, those settings that you see grayed out are simply the default values that would be enabled were you to upgrade to the Premium version.


The Free version runs scans on-demand only and thus offers no real-time protection.  As such, it doesn't automatically start with Windows.  You must always launch it whenever you want to run a scan.  This hasn't changed.


Same with automatic quarantine.  This option only refers to any threats detected as part of the Premium product's real-time protection.  Since there is no real-time protection in Free, this one also doesn't apply.


I've made a note of the confusion the way it's handled in the UI has caused and we'll see if we can improve this in a later update.   :)


Hope that helps -- there have been absolutely no recent changes to the Free version regarding these settings and the way the Free version behaves.



Somehow, I tend to think this is not how it is.

Every time I reboot my PC, Malwarebytes starts up, and has the main window appear onto my desktop.

If that's not starting with windows, I don't know what else would be. ;)


Now, granted, it could be due to the Trial, but if the trial IS active, why are the advanced settings still greyed out?

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Hello and :welcome: , @BurkeKnight:
Actually, this thread is quite old and much has changed for the program since then.

Moreover, each computer is unique. So problems that sound "the same" often are not and often require individual solutions.
Having said that, sometimes the Trial version doesn't "revert" cleanly to the Free version after 14 days.
So, in order to reduce confusion and to provide you with individual support, I suggest the following:

  • First, please carefully follow all the steps in this pinned topic to uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x. Be sure to reboot when prompted by the removal tool.
  • If that does not resolve your issue, then please start your own NEW, SEPARATE topic using this clickable cjfj.png button.

We will be happy to work with you to resolve your issue.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,


P.S. Is this for a personal home computer or for a business system??

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Personal, and it keeps popping up. Since last booted, it popped up 5 times.

And, this is a CLEAN full system reload, done 2 days ago, and MBAM just installed for first time since, yesterday.

So, the full uninstall and re-install is kind of moot in this case.


However, since it seems to be spam popping up, I am hereby removing it, as malware itself.

Thank you.

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Personal, and it keeps popping up. Since last booted, it popped up 5 times.
And, this is a CLEAN full system reload, done 2 days ago, and MBAM just installed for first time since, yesterday.
So, the full uninstall and re-install is kind of moot in this case.
However, since it seems to be spam popping up, I am hereby removing it, as malware itself.
Thank you.


>>The reason I asked about home vs. business is that there are different versions of the program for the 2 different environments.


A 14-day Trial version is enabled by default upon installation or version upgrade (1 Trial per PC per program version).
It's very easy to deactivate the 14-day Trial and/or revert to the Free version.

There are 4 options, any of which will work to end the Trial:

  • Allow the trial to expire in 14 days & then click the "End Trial" button in the "Trial Expired" popup;
  • Click the "End Free Trial" link in the GUI;
  • Click the "End Trial" system tray popup notification at any time from the "Trial Expiring" popup;
  • Perform a clean reinstall, using the method described here: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x - be sure to "opt out" (remove the check mark from) the Free trial, IF it is offered again during the installation wizard.
  • (For users with the paid, Premium version -- not the Trial -- one can also click the "My Account" GUI link > "Deactivate". This will revert the program to the Free, manual, on-demand version.)


When properly installed and configured, neither the Free version nor the Premium version pops up unnecessarily.

The Free version cannot, as it's just a manual, on-demand scanner.

The Premium version should not, if it is properly installed -- it runs nearly silently in the background, from the system account.


As previously mentioned, we'd be more than happy to assist you with installing and configuring MBAM.

We merely respectfully suggested doing so in your own, individual thread, for customized assistance with less confusion.

Feel free to post back if you would like more help.


Take care,

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Just to let you know, it seems that the trial was not activated, so the issues I had, were on their own, and not caused by the trial.


As for "installed properly" I let it install as it was, so if it did not, then that was not my cause.


The new thread, I had not had issue with, but you asked questions there, so I answered them. :)


Thank you for splitting this.


I have no idea why it kept doing that, as I'd had it installed before I did the full system reload, and it had not done that.

Only thing I can think of, is has anyone done a full windows 10 reload, then installed MBAM?

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I have no idea why it kept doing that, as I'd had it installed before I did the full system reload, and it had not done that.
Only thing I can think of, is has anyone done a full windows 10 reload, then installed MBAM?

It's hard to say at this point, especially without some diagnostic logs. :(


While it's not strictly necessary (as MS had recommended with Anti-Virus programs) to temporarily uninstall MBAM prior to a Win10 upgrade, it's not a bad idea.

When/if problems arise having MBAM in place with such an OS upgrade, then a clean reinstall of MBAM will most often be the fastest way to a clean, uncorrupted MBAM installation.


So, yes, it is perfectly fine - if not necessary for all users - to temporarily uninstall MBAM before making in-place OS upgrades or other, major system modifications.  A clean MBAM reinstall after those OS modifications is a good way to proceed. It will clear out confused/wonky settings and normally will fix minor performance or stability issues. 


And, as mentioned, it can be the fastest way to get back up and running for minor problems.  That is what most users seeking help here in the forum wish to do. :)


Feel free to post back if you need further assistance.




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