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Dissatisfied with New Product Mae


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I am completely lost with this jargon.

I turned off computer in plain language "Shut Down" computer.

The next day Login to computer and find malwarebytes Ant E not running but the other Malware bytes running and showing 4 PUPs.Which I deleted.

After deletion mae then was active.

This message was not mentioned in the first place.


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I'm not quite sure I understand your problem. Are you talking about MBAM, MBAE or both? As far as MBAE is concerned, yes, it should be active to protect your computer from exploits. Regarding MBAM, it depends on whether you have the free version or the Premium version. MBAM Free can be used as an on-demand scanner only; MBAM Premium also provides real-time protection, which means that it is always active to protect your computer from malware. Hope this helps.

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I'm rather confused by what s/he's attempting to say but...

It sounds like both MBAM and MBAE are in use. It also seems that MBAM has found and warned about some PUPs.


There seems to be some confusion about expecting MBAE to detect and stop PUPs. That's not MBAE's job at all. MBAE is only designed to stop online exploits and the dangerous stuff they try to drop/execute in your computer.


As Buddel said PUPs fall under MBAM realtime detection using a licensed version (& if enabled). Otherwise, as seems to be the case here, on demand scans would still find/show the PUPs.



PUPs are generally something you download on purpose (though you may not know it comes bundled with or is classified as such until MBAM warns you).

PUP stands for Potentially Unwanted Program. This means while it's not evil like a Virus, it could still have a negative impact on your system for a variety of reasons.


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