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Not sure if this is the right forum or not.. But this forum helped me on another problem so i figured i could try here....

I have a 180 gig harddrive... i had to reformat and when i reinstalled windows to my c drive it got partioned out for only 15 gigs.. and then a backup drive for 10.. What im wanting to do is extend the c: drive to at least 55 or so gigs because im begining to run out of space....I'm running widows xp and there isn't an option to extend a partition in disk management

Any help here would be greatly appreciated because i dont want to have to reformat again and reinstall all the drivers which was a huge pain

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Greetings havoc :) .

It sounds like you could use a utility like GParted to accomplish your task. Grab the live CD (bootable) and that will be what to use with XP. I'd also take their advice on that page and do a full backup of your system before making any changes as, even though unlikely, errors can occur, and you'd end up losing all your data.

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