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Security software slowing down my PC

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  • Root Admin

Please start by removing the compatibility setting you have on MBAM


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\appCompatFlags\Layers
    C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam.exe


Check the program shortcut and remove all compatibility settings.


However the logs show that your computer has bad blocks on the drive. I would highly recommend that you backup all your data before continuing and then do a Full disk check on the drive.



From an elevated admin command prompt you can type the following.





To get to an elevated admin prompt click the start button and type in CMD.EXE and when it shows on the menu right click and choose "Run as administrator"


It will say it can't lock the drive and ask if it can run on restart. Press the Y key and then restart. Again though you should backup up your data first in case the drive flat out fails during scanning.


Please read the following 

Backup Software


You could just have a bad hard drive but without more testing we don't know for sure yet.

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