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hello MWB,


I think this error has come up once or twice, seems to go as mysteriously as it comes. Would like to know what is going on.


Lenovo laptop, win7 home, no raid or encryption.


This morning I boot up, and I get a message that MWB cannot load properly, this could be due to rootkit activity, error code is 20025. Suggests that I reboot and scan. I reboot, on reboot I get an endless blue screen ( no login) and eventually MWB gives the same error again, after which I still have my blue screen, mouse pointer, no login. CTRL->ALT->DEL -> logout gets my login details.


Another reboot and now everything goes back to normal, although boot seems to take a long time. Right now it is doing a scan, including rootkits, no objects found so far.


What might have caused this?


Installed VMWARE Player Free yesterday and used it to put a Linux VM on - as part of that I turned on VT in the Bios? Might that trigger something?


did a bit of googling and ran mbam-check. as you have suggested for other users. result attached.


Or could I actually have a problem?











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Hello and :welcome: :


A couple of things:


-Your log shows daily protection logs dating back to 2014 and a ton of items in quarantine, suggesting that you have not performed a proper, clean reinstall of MBAM in over a year, and that you might still have malware remnants on the system.


-We normally would need to see a full set of all 3 diagnostic logs, including both logs from FRST, in order to have a better idea what's going on.


-When you say "blue screen", do you mean a "blue screen of death" (BSOD) or just a failed Windows startup?


For starters, I suggest the following:


  • If you are NOT reporting a "BSOD", then you might want to try a proper, clean reinstall by carefully following ALL of these instructions: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  • If you ARE reporting a BSOD, then I suggest starting with the informational sticky topics at the top of the BSOD forum, and then posting the requested information in a new, separate topic there for guided help from one of the BSOD experts HERE

Thank you,

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thank you Dale for the prompt reply.


No,I have not done a clean re-install - had no idea that was even recommended. i will do that now. However, it will be hard to know if that really has fixed the issue, as it is such an intermittent one.


Not BSOD - just failed startup - the standard blue background without the option to actually log in.

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OK, then you might start with a proper, clean reinstall by carefully following ALL of these instructions: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

Please make sure you have your license Key/ID handy before you start the process -- you will need the info to reactivate after reinstalling.

While not strictly necessary, it won't hurt to deactivate your Premium license before uninstalling (dashboard > my account > deactivate).

It's important to reboot when prompted by the removal tool.

It's a good a idea to reboot again after reinstalling, as well.


If that does not resolve your issue, I suggest that you please read this sticky topic (Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers) and then head over to the malware removal area of the forum for a free, guided, deeper look at the system.


Thanks again,

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