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False Positive Reporting Inconvenient For End User


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I'm a long time MWB user and I speak highly of it to pretty much anyone, but its not all butterflies and rainbows at times.  Reporting false positives for instance is a pain!  This post may belong elsewhere, but I feel its necessary to mention that its highly inconvenient for the end user to run a full scan to get the output desired by the Malwarebytes development team to figure out the false positive(s) cause and fix it.  Secondly, its also inconvenient to harvest them and then place them into this forum.  All that should be doable straight from within Malwarebytes and not left to the end user to be burdened with!  Extra scans are time consuming, why should the end user be demanded to give up so much time and put in all the extra effort to perform all these steps requested?  Some users may not even know how to perform some of the steps that are asked of them.  Not everyone is knowledgeable of the command line or even understands what rar and zip archive formats are.  I've helped plenty of elders that would throw the towel in at something like this almost immediately.  Others would find a workaround like forcing MWB to exclude those false positives from the scan with works, but isn't ideal.


My suggestion is that a new false positive reporting module be created directly in MWB accessible within the Quarantine section which will isolate the re-scaning to just the items in question and then wrap all them up in the desired archiving format that MWB demands and deliver them to MWB's desired location.  If a forum account must be required for follow-up then maybe a communication module to login from MWB directly to the forum can be included or fire up the default user preferred browser and lead the user to the forum post that would be created on their behalf.



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Excellent idea.... Since the ID and KEY are unique to each computer, you can use that for a point of reference and since that is registered to an email address you have a way to contact the individual, or you can provide a link to the user once the file is submitted so they can review their submission.

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