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Link issues


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When I post a series of links for drivers, I end up with span and strong tags at the ends of the links (from the Bold and Color tags).

This is because of the formatting of the links from the program that I use.

Is there any way to force the forum software to display the complete link (actually only the driver name is needed - but it's hard to manually delete the Bold and Color tags from a list of 20 drivers)?


Here's one of the links:




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As this is the the week of Armistice Day, let me first start off by thanking you for your service.


Thank You.


IFF I understand this correctly, and I may not...


If you copy Links from other web sites or use third party software, aberrations in conversion and interpretation are inevitable and the differences in each software becomes evident.


I would suggest copying what you have, and pasting that into an empty post.  Turn-off BBCode Mode and then re-enable it to see how the code gets interprested.  Edit the post as needed.  Go in and out of BBCode Mode until the content is as you want it to be shown.


If the subject matter is to be re-used, consider as a template.  Turn-off BBCode Mode and then copy the raw format text into Notepad and save it in .TXT ( ASCII ) format in a folder of Forum related Templates.

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