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Experience with MBAM and Crashing

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I am just reporting back here after an earlier post described my problems. The crashes would occur during the update process which I had set to 4 time daily--6 hr intervals.


I became frustrated to the point of reversion to "free mode" after a clean re-install. The small server I run on my PC is important enough to me that it was driving me mad not knowing when, and if MBAM would crash. So....I reverted, as stated, to free mode.


What is amazing to me is that not once, using MBAM as an application rather than a service (it has been a week now), have I had the slightest problem downloading an update or running a scan. I do this first thing in the morning and the last thing I do at night.


I read in another post a MBAM moderator or someone beyond a typical user saying something to the effect that "if a program works for 98% of people, then are not to expect it to be related to the user's machine, and not the program?" I would like to point out that 2% is still a significant number when so many people use MBAM.


The reason I would not send the files requested is that I know the FRST (or whatever) log would show what one intelligent moderator described as a "damaged system" and possibly infected, or had been infected. What he saw was the extensive modification I have made to my windows 7 premium, 32 bit, sp 1 machine. Over the years I have steadily and surely removed and turned off parts of windows I did not like or need. Sometimes by "force." Everything on my machine I wish to work runs fine. I am not "infected" or damaged, but the files usually requested would show what would look to some like some "very strange things." So enough about me and Windows.


This is just to report the, perhaps, strange difference in running MBAM Premium and MBAM Free. I still have time left on my license but I cannot be worrying constantly that MBAM would crash while I slept. I don't know if this is even useful information, but I thought it particularly odd...enough so to report back here.


I am not advocating everyone reverting to free mode. I am just describing the amazing difference. I wish you all good luck. I really appreciated MBAM's real time protection when it worked (i.e., when it had not "crashed" with the Windows error message "Malwarebytes has quit working).




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I should just add that my computer is an "always on" PC, except a weekly reboot. I couldn't find an "edit" for above so just adding that here, as I saw another poster who was having the occasional crash error who also has an "always on" PC. I may try the next version, should there be one, if things get sorted. Thanks.




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