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MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Remediation Tool unable to detect previously detected file

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I was playing with our new remediation tool. I tested a malicious file .exe which is detected by malwarebytes home and then tried it with remediation tool. It is detected by MBAM Remediation tool and ask for restart to clean properly. I checked on the folder and its still there so I run again a full scan to check if it will be detected again by MBAM Remediation tool and the result is it no longer detects the exe file. What I did after is try to run MBAM Home, the exe file is  still being detected by MBAM Home.


I tried to delete all the files in that folder and Put a fresh .exe file(malicious file). I run a full scan  using MBAM Remediation tool  and it does not detect the exe file. Again I tried the MBAM home and it detected it.


By the way I dont turn on real time protection for my AV's


I have attached the file and a screen shot result of the scan



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  • Staff

Hi makalikot.


I believe the difference you are seeing is because the MBAM Remediation Tool you are using is based on the 1.x code while MBAM Free is based on the 2.x codebase. There are some engine differences which result in 2.x catching some malware that 1.x doesn't.


We have a new MBAM Remediation Tool for companies based on the 2.x codebase which was released recently. Please contact your Malwarebytes sales person to see how to get a hold of the new MBAM Remediation Tool.

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Heres the screenshot of the Remediation tool that I am using. Can you check im not sure about 1.x and 2x that you are saying. is it the version. I am using 1.75


But why did the remediation tool manage to detect it in my first couple of tries and then unable to detect it after I restart my test computer. Thats weird,


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