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Tips for MBAM and Hyper-V

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This is just a general question right now as this install is running on an unsupported OS (2012R2).  I've excluded all of the folder from the scan but can not exclude vmms.exe because it doesn't show up.  On the forums someone stated because the GUI is 32bit and the file is 64bit.  The main issue I have is when you try to shutdown or reboot a host connected to an external network it hangs and never shuts down.  I've been able to fix by just closing MBAM and opening it back up.  Not a huge deal I've configured it to only have one machine (sophos) on the external network.



1 - Is there a registry setting to update the exclusion list?

2 - Has anyone had this issue and resolved another way?



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Hello and welcome: :)
We'll definitely need to wait for a Malwarebytes staff member to answer your specific questions.
However, you wrote this:

This is just a general question right now as this install is running on an unsupported OS (2012R2).

As such, I'm not sure if there will be a workaround. :(
Please be patient, as it's the weekend.
So it may be a day or so before the staff members reply.

More info about v2.2.0 HERE
Version 2.2.0 Release History HERE
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Hello, @ewitte:


As previously mentioned, you are running MBAM Consumer on an unsupported version of Windows.

The system requirements are listed here.

And the EULA is here.

So, as previously explained, we will need to wait for a Malwarebytes employee to answer your specific questions.


You wrote:


Non constructive commentong is unwelcome and will be considered trolling.



As for your other comments, please be mindful of the forum Terms of Use.


If you wish to be helped one-on-one via email, rather than here at the forum, you may wish to log a ticket at the Help Desk HERE.


Thank you again,

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  • Root Admin

David and Daledoc1 one have both given you excellent advise. Name calling is not called for on your part ewitte

The product is not officially supported. Thee is no way to "evaluate" the product on Server 2012 as we do not sell it for 2012 period. If you were to go through the proper channels for business server OS we would provide you another product not the home product.

Your LAB as you call it seems to go beyond the normal for a home user again indicating a business.

As you've read the GUI cannot access 64-bit processes because it is a 32-bit application. There is no workaround for the home product.

Thank you

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Thank you I should have just asked for windows 8.1 on my main computer then maybe someone wouldn't have made more out of it then it was.  It saddens me that people can't think for themselves and at least *try* to be helpful.  I still don't agree with "no workaround" that is never the case ;)

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