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So I was watching youtube when MBAM came up saying I had 1 malware on my computer. I found this very odd since I rarely do things sketchy and when I do sketchy things, I run a scan afterwards. So I let MBAM do it's business and delete. Reset my computer and everything. I tracked down the source of where it came from and it was a pirated game I downloaded a couple of months ago that I forgot about. The only thing I'm worried about is what exactly does this trojan do? I tried to Google it, yet nothing helpful came up except sites that had malware on it. Please tell me what exactly it does. I know what a trojan is and I'm a big pc virus fanatic. So I want to know because it's been on my pc for a while and I find viruses interesting. I added the scan log if you need the information.


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No one can tell you what it does simply by a detection name.  Using Google to find out is a waste of time.  You would get more misinformation than actual qualitative information.


One may deduce "Trojan.ModUPX" is a detection for an known executable that had subsequently been packed using UPX.


So if you "know what a trojan is" then you are really a big pc malware fanatic and you find malware interesting.

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Hello and :welcome: :
In addition to David's excellent and expert advice....
...If you have had malware on your computer for a while, there might still be other remnants or leftovers on the system.

If you would like a bit of free, expert help to check the system, I suggest that you might want to please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning and cleanup.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi, Just dropped by to give my experience with this same malware. I noticed about 90% of my GPU (graphics card) was in use while nothing was running, even after reinstalling drivers and restarting multiple times. Same results GPU at 90% usage. Downloaded malwarebytes, scanned, found Trojan.ModUPX and removed it. My GPU is now back at 0% usage when idle. So it seems this malware affects GPU usage (bitcoin miner? who knows), my CPU seemed normal throughout all this. I too, seem to have gotten this from a pirated game. Hopefully this will help shed some light for those who are more tech savvy to determine what this is. Here is my scan.


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