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Preparing MalwareBytes for Deployment in an Image

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We have a master PC that will have the latest Endpoint Security (Anti-malware and Anti-exploit) installed, managed through the MB Management Console. We then take an image of this PC (after SysPreping etc) and use it to deploy to all of our new PCs. Is there anything that has to be done to Endpoint Security to prepare for being deployed in this way? For example, with McAfee EPO Agent I have to delete the GUID from the registry before taking my image, otherwise every machine that is deployed would have the same agent ID.


Many thanks





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Hi Simon,


When the client software is installed and registered, it creates a unique identifier on the system for use with the Management Console. If you've installed the client software on an image prior to deploying, this will cause all of these clients to register as one. To work around this, please do the following:
1. Create a Client Installation Package for the policy you'd like to install on the clients
2. Copy the install package to the base image
3. Disconnect the computer's network connection so it cannot communicate with the Management Server
4. Install the Client Software
5. Upload the image
This will prevent the client from registering with the Management Server and creating a unique identifier. When the image is deployed and the client software communicates with the server, it will automatically register as a new client with a unique identifier. If you need to access the internet on your base image at any point after the software is installed, then you will need to stop the MEEClientService service on the client to prevent it from registering to the server.
Please let me know if this helps.
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