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So i was looking for a software to watch blu rays on my PC and read a  few places that recommended  PowerDVD 15 Ultraso I went ahead and bought it from its offical link

http://www.cyberlink.com/products/powerdvd-ultra/features_en_CA.htmlseemed to install fine actually eotkd smsxing well but also read tjhst im the past its been known tp be a source of adware and many faluse postibes so i wamted some trusted feedback on this software


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  • Root Admin

There are only about 3 good Blu ray players out there. All of them have some elements of "possibly shaddy" software they either install or try to install on your computer.

Over all not a big issue. Run an Antivirus scan on your computer, run and MBAM scan on your computer, and an AdwCleaner scan and between them they should find and remove any items like that if found.

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  • Root Admin

If you already have it and like PowerDVD then keep using it. Here is some more information for you and I'd recommend you read it just so you're more aware of your options and choices in this are.

CyberLink PowerDVD

Support for Windows XP was dropped in version 15

Highly recommend reading this article too which has some posted complaints about the software (but WindDVD has similar update concerns)

PowerDVD article on Wikipedia

WinDVD Pro 11

Owned by Corel for a while now.

TotalMedia Theatre by Arcsoft was the other main commercial program but appears to no longer be sold.

Good article on Comparison of video player software

It has a listing of just about everything out there and on for use on various operating systems.

For Windows the VLC Player and Pot Player are probably a couple of the better known players that are free.

Pot Player

Videohelp Pot Player

VLC media player

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