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.NET 3.5 Requirement for installing on servers

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We are deploying Malwarebytes Endpoint security (managed) in our environment.  We have run into a snag when trying to deploy to our servers.


There is a pre-requisite of .NET Framework 3.5.  Some of our servers have .NET 4.0 or .NET 4.5 and they are still not passing the pre-requisite for the installation. 


The .NET frameworks are roll-up packages so .NET 4 or 4.5 include 3.5, however MBAM will not install on a server that only has .NET 4.0+. 


Is the only option to install the older .NET 3.5, or is there a workaround for this to deploy to servers?  We have over 300 servers that do not have the older .NET 3.5 Framework, and they are hosting applications that are .NET version sensitive. 


Please provide a solution to get these deployed.  Thank You.

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On clients that do not have .NET 3.5, you will need to use the Programs and Features option to enable it.


To manually do so, please go to the Control Panel > Programs and Features > Add a Feature.


Here you can enable .NET 3.5.


Please let me know if this helps.

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Thanks for the reply.  I understand that I can install .Net 3.5, but my question was why do I need to install the older .NET 3.5 if my server already has .NET 4.0+? 


.NET Frameworks include all older versions.  We don't want to have to downgrade our .NET Frameworks on 300 servers to accommodate one application install that is not checking pre-requisites correctly.  If the server has .NET 4.0, it should install as 3.5 is included with it.

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  • 3 months later...


the server has .net 4 and above, I have found out that as part of the roles and features installs you can actually add .net 3.5 it is a pain to do but you will need an ISO image of server 2012 in the disk, half way through the roles and feature install it gives you an option to select media if the feature is not part of the pre installed files.... select the ISO image and yipeeeee...... :-)

sorry but this is a joke having to install "OLD" software when the server already has higher versions installed as part of Windows.....

hope this helps the masses who have had the same issue as me.....

"Going Fishing Had enough"



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