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Hi all, I know this isn't the run of the mill request, but we're desperate. We're Emertainment Monthly, Emerson College's entertainment magazine, and our website apparently has malware on it. We've been blacklisted by Google and don't know what to do. Here's our information:


We run a Wordpress.Org website hosted by JustHost hosting services. We have no idea how to even begin to address this problem. Please let me know if this forum can help (I've used it before to clean out my PC, which has been incredibly, incredibly helpful, which is why I wanted to see if help could be provided now.) Attached are the notifications I got from Google to provide context.


Thanks in advance!



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The purpose of this sub-forum is that individuals can seek malware remediation on their personal computers.  This Free service is performed through one-on-one assistance by Malwarebytes' Employees and volunteers.  This Free service is not extended to Web Sites.


If you are a Malwarebytes' Business Customer, you can seek assistance in;  Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Business

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