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Unable to update subscription


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Hi - 


I'm trying to update my anti-exploit subscription, but the update page which is linked in my email subscription renewal reminder doesn't seem to work; if I try to use use the Paypal option, and press "next"...nothing happens and I'm just brought to some "thank you" screen. If I try to use the credit card option, I enter my details, and press "next"...nothing happens, and I'm brought to the same "thank you". I haven't back from support whom I wrote to yesterday. I would like to get this cleared up - as my subscription ends tomorrow (Nov.4). Would it just be easier to buy a new license? Do I then have to uninstall and reinstall AE all over again?


Thx for your help.



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  • Staff

Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting vespesian.


I will report your findings to our Marketing Department.


In the meantime feel free to continue using MBAE as it has a grace period even if the license is expired.


PS: Moving this to the Questions sub-forum.

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