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I'm not sure where this question should be, so if is in the wrong forum, let me know. I'm a system admin for a 40 user Windows 2000/2003 network. To limit bandwidth, I'd like to setup an automated process that downloads the daily anti-malware updates to the Windows 2003 server and setup the XP/Vista workstations to download it daily at noon from the Windows 2003 server. I've ony used the free version of your anti-malware product so I don't know if the purchased version has this functionality in it.

I don't plan on running this on the Windows 2003 server, but is there an server version?

I would like the server to download the updates at 5 AM CST daily and the workstions to download the updates at 12 Noon. All workstations are 32-bit (XP Pro/Vista Business). Any detailes available to set this up as a trial would relly help.



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Greetings and welcome to the forum ;) .

I'm assuming since you're using it on a corporate network that you have a corporate license. If that's the case then you should contact corporate@malwarebytes.org and they will be able to assist you with your options for automation and distribution via your network and servers.

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  • 1 year later...
Greetings and welcome to the forum :) .

I'm assuming since you're using it on a corporate network that you have a corporate license. If that's the case then you should contact corporate@malwarebytes.org and they will be able to assist you with your options for automation and distribution via your network and servers.

OK, It's been a week since I emailed them and I have not received a response. Is this the way they normall communicate with resellers?

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