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Mouse freezes every 20 seconds for about a milisecond then runs again (WINDOWS 10)


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Hello, my mouse has been having issues the past about 4 days or so with constant freezing every about 20 seconds i can do it at any time. i have also tried multiple mice.

I happen to attach my DDS files in this post. i disabled superfetch, windows defender, cloud-based protection also. people say that is why. but my disk usage also spikes up to 95-100% randomly but that is not when my comp freezes.

My computer: (Got all this info in DXDIAG)

Alienware M17X R5

Direct X 12
Processor: Intel® Core i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz (8CPUs), ~2.5GHz

Display: AMD Radeon HD8970M

Sound1: Speakers (Turtle Beach PX22)

Sound2:Speakers/Headphones (Realtek High Definition Audio)


My USB inputs is:

Mouse: Logitech M510, not a good one i know :(

Turtle beach Headset (also in audio port)

Fan pad. under my laptop to keep it cool. had this for a while never had an issue.


if you need any more info let me know :)





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