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Simple question and perhaps I should wait, but since this is a simple question, I'll just ask it.


Running Malwarebytes on Windows 7 Premium. After the latest upgrade, I had difficulties with updates...receiving a Windows error after an scheduled update that "Malwarebytes has quit working", etc.


Did a clean install as is advised as a sticky on this forum on 10-21-2015. All worked sweet. I was happy. On the night of 10-24-2015 at about 3 am we received some weather that knocked down power lines and my computer shut down (this was not a "brown out", which can be more destructive than a complete power outage.)


Rebooted as soon as I saw I was down. All software and files intact and running.


I'll cut to the quick. My scheduled scans are working. My scheduled updates are working. I have received rules and domains updates regularly.  All seems good but I noticed no ips.ref since then, which would be my final "proof" that all is well with my installation.


Can someone advise whether ips.ref has be updated since 12-24-2015? Just like to lay my mind at ease. Maybe they are more seldom than others? Just let me know if you please.




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 Can someone advise whether ips.ref has be updated since 12-24-2015?


Merry Xmas! :D



Actually, my logs also show that the ip database was updated last night from the 10.24 version to the 10.27 version.

Nothing to worry about.


The various databases are updated by the Team when it is deemed appropriate to do so.

There is no fixed schedule.

I would guess that IPs are updated less often than malware rules...



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