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This past spring I updated our MEE console to version  I ran into some issues with the existing clients that were still  In particular, I had to manually update all of the clients to  Is there not any way to automatically upgrade the clients when the console is upgraded?  One of the other interesting issues was that older clients that dropped out of the console because they weren't active within the 30-day period, did not show up again in the console even though they were active.  I also noticed that older clients that were still active stopped getting the daily database updates.  Only the clients updated their databases properly.


Now with the new 1.6.0 console available, I'm wondering if I am going to run into the same problems.  Any thoughts?

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Hi cjones_ufv.


At this time Managed clients are not updated automatically.  They must be deployed to manually to update them.


The second issue, with clients dropping and not coming back, sounds like a communications issue.  If this issue arises again with your update I would recommend submitting a support ticket for us to investigate.


Clients on older Managed client versions should still receive database updates.  If this does not happen when you upgrade, please contact support so we can investigate this.

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