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Issue, NetBIOS for MMC?

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I have recently just started testing MalwareBytes mangement console. We are on an Active Directory domain. Upon my first scan of computers only 7 of 37 computers within a OU folder of machines showed up. I found that by enabling NetBIOS this resolved the issue with the machines not detected. The documentation I've read as well makes much mention of NetBIOS being used to find machines for the client to be installed to.


We have NetBIOS pretty well disabled on most all machines on our network to cut down on network chatter. Are there any other method of finding computers to push the client to besides NetBIOS?


Also if it were to be enabled for the actual push of the client. Once the machine had the client would it continue communicating with the MMC server correctly once NetBIOS is disabled again?

"The one machine I did push it to still shows it as a client but not sure for how long."


Thanks for any assistance.

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Hi Nate2003,


You will need to have NetBIOS enabled for deployment, but it can be disabled afterwards.


If you have a third-party deployment tool you could export a client package from the console and deploy that via your tool.


Where is the client package located on the server? Thanks

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