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Is anyone else experiencing problems wit some applications since a Malwarebytes update from last week?


I have about 20 machines that suddenly were acting up on Tuesday last week after an update was downloaded.

An application (Deltek Vision) that runs a browser plugin on startup and downloads/executes some file from the users' local appdata folder causes 100% CPU utilization (Mbam processes/service showing with 99%) and staying there for a good 5 minutes but even after the application finally loads, it is very sluggish.


I tried to exclude the specific path for hat application by policy but that was impossible as it includes the username and MBAM does not let me specify system varialbles such as %localappdata%.


After excluding the local path from scanning it works normal but that opens a door for actual malware problems since the whole user path is now unprotected.


Client version:


So for now I am excluding the path "C:\Users" from being scanned but that seems counter productive - the application works normal but the whole user path is now unprotected.


Is there anything in the updates that may have caused this? We mave not made any changes to our systems and the application in question has not changed but suddenly this happened after last weekend.


Help ....





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Your client version is beyond ancient!  Version 1.80 was just released, and it is most definitely in your best interest to upgrade to it.  You reported this in the Business forum, so if you do in fact have our Business version, please contact Sales so they can assist you with becoming current.  That by itself may take care of your issues.

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