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We are an ISV, and would like to make sure our entire software package (including all the sub-components) we install are part of the your White list.

You may access our installer at the following link:   https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iocthjg7xm0l0bk/AABqumJ4DANTJIvvw_9OCDsOa?dl=0

—> Please note this software is typically installed from a secure login within each user’s portal:


User id and password to install the application:
User name: entreda_support
Password: Entreda_Unify3


Please run through this installer to get the entire list of .exe files which the Entreda package installs.


1) We would like to ensure that for our software (v 1.0.6), all (15) of the (below) .exe files within the following directories are included within your “white list” (details below)

2) Below is the root path for the installed application for the 64-bit version. The 32-bit version uses the same file names, but has a different root path. Do you also need the installer for the 32-bit version? 

C: --> Program Files (x86) --> Entreda --> Entreda Unify Applet


Entreda Unify Applet.exe













Auto Update_1.0\AutoUpdateClient.exe

Thank you!

best regards,




Farshad Ghaffari

VP & Co-founder, Entreda


Mobile: +1.650.796.5127

"Cybersecurity compliance automation software for regulated enterprises”

Check us out @ www.entreda.com

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You have started a similar thread here already where it was responded to:


This forum is for reporting false positives, which isn't the case here as we aren't wrongly detecting this software as malware.

We don't typically do whitelisting for many reasons.

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Hi Mieke, Malware team,


Yes, thank you. I reviewed the other thread. This version (1.0.6) is newer and has additional components. Are you able to to a scan of this install and see if the components are undetected?


We have had customers reporting that our software got blocked by Malwarebyte, so I am just trying to avoid having this happen.


Thank you!


best regards,



P.S. My apologies for the typos in the other thread. Meant to say Malwarebytes :)

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Hi Farshad,


It would be a lot easier for us that you provide us the scan log where we detect + the exact files that we detect (if we detect). Because when we tried to reproduce this before, we didn't detect anything.

Also, please attach the files we detect to this thread instead of using an external service where we need to create an account first to get the files.



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