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I suspect I'm missing something obvious here, but I'm trying to set up MBAM premium to start with windows, but not open to my desktop. 


If I select the 'start with windows' option (Settings > Advanced Settings), MBAM will start fine enough then open to desktop. It also goes to the system tray. I'm fine having it start and go to the system tray (prefered actually) but would rather not have it open to desktop each time I reboot my computer.


I swore I had it set up like that before, but perhaps I'm mistaken. I recently (yesterday) did a clean install of my OS for what its worth.


Any insight or help is appreciated.





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Thanks for the welcome and reply.


I hadn't knowingly scheduled any specific times for updates so at first I was at a loss after reading your suggestion. But I checked the update settings (Settings > Update Settings) and the one option was checked for: "Check for program updates when checking for database updates".


I unchecked it, rebooted and MBAM started as desired, to the system tray. I guess I misinterpreted, or misread the settings when I did the set up.


So all is good again. Thanks again for the reply and pointing me in the right direction. Much appreciated.



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