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Congratulation to daledoc1 on 20K posts


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I know it's a bit early but I'm pretty sure that daledoc1 will reach the 20K post barrier while I'm away on vacation so I wanted to be the first to congratulate her and personally thank her on behalf of the Malwarebytes company and myself as well. She has been with us now for a bit over 5 years and has been extremely helpful beyond measure for both customers as well as those just stopping by looking for help that are not even customers. She has also provided some great insight into issues with our main programs over the years too.

Thank you again daledoc1 https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/user/29793-daledoc1/    GREATLY appreciated. You've helped so many frustrated users in that time that if they knew or could they'd be here thanking you too.


And since there isn't much else I can give her for her help I'll give her some something of virtual appreciation :P




Thank you daledoc1  post-2065-0-17202700-1443595604_thumb.jp

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Thank you daledoc1  attachicon.gifgummy.jpg


Gosh, I really don't know what to say.

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:


I most sincerely appreciate all of your kind words.

But the credit really belongs to everyone here, both in the forum and behind the scenes.

What little I know I have learned from all of you here in this COMMUNITY.


For fear of omitting someone, I will only say that, "you know who you are". :)


You are all the BEST of the BEST.


Thank you,

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

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Again, thanks, everyone. :D


I'm really embarrassed by all the fuss.

And it seems unfair, as there are so many others here who contribute just as much, if not more, especially our selfless volunteer malware helpers, other volunteers and staff.

You all deserve a hearty and heartfelt "shout out", too. :D



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After everyone has been patting you on the back for 20,000 posts, I almost feel like its my duty to nag you for that last 15 that gets you there.  It is an incredible amount of work, and sometimes for no better reason than you want to help people.  You must remember that when arthritis sets in, you did it all by yourself!  We are damn glad you did, and you continue to!

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