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Good side effect of anti exploit software less privacy issue?


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Dear Sir

Dear Madame,


I have installed yesterday anti malware exploit on my computer and i am running the 14 day trail.

I was very surprised that when i ran a check with open advanced care ultimate a check of my computer.

I could notice that i have much less privacy issue and browser security issues.


is this a "good side effect" of the anti exploit software?

if this is a good side effect of the premuin version of anti exploit that i am willing to consider buying it after the trail expires



Please before anwsering keep in mind that i perfectly understand the main objective of this software is to avoid exploits and that there is OTHER software to protect the privacy on my computer.

But i was really surprised that privacy issues dropped from 200 to only 10 after installing this software.



Thanks with my best regards,




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It is Malwarebytes' Anti-Exploit ( MBAE ) not "anti malware exploit" and I don't know what "open advanced care ultimate" is.


Frankly you have written a lot but no substantiating facts.


"I could notice that i have much less privacy issue and browser security issues."

Please elaborate and fully state the case based upon specific and identifiable information.


"But i was really surprised that privacy issues dropped from 200 to only 10 after installing this software."

Again...  Please elaborate and fully state the case based upon specific and identifiable information.


You made the statement, it's your job  to back it up with facts.

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He is referring to IOBIT's Advanced System care ultimate (System cleaner/house keeping tool), and after MBAE install, he sees the privacy issues, security issues reported by the tool (ASCU) has dropped and in praise of MBAE for it.. Just a little bit excited, for nothing..

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Assuming the product in question is from IOBit, the company behind this product was found to be plagiarizing the MBAM signature database.


I don't trust, and I can't suggest, any company that resorts to plagiarism as part of their business model..

Please reference the following...

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Yes IObit has a Antivirus module in their Ultimate pack and also a separate Malware Fighter tool. I used to use ASC but found instead of freeing me diskspace, it was doing the opposite and hv discontinued it's use. Rather I hv stopped using any of the system utilities, which could do more harm than good.


Nowadays, all vendirs r moving to cloud based protection and I think Malwarebytes also shd shift to it. Moreover, no vendor can survive in anti-malware w/o it's own R&D as malwares keep evolving and need for protection to keep up with it. Just my view..

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