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I downloaded the trial version of Malwarebyte anti malware yesterday. I've been using Exterminate It up until this point. When I logged in this morning I noticed that Exterminate It was no longer on my computer. The only explanation I can come up with is that Malwarebytes removed Exterminate It. Has anyone had the same problem? I'm not too happy with Malwarebytes right now.

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EDIT: (Sorry David, did not see you were posting)

If Malwarebytes did remove it, you can check two ways.

First you can open Malwarebytes and then click on the History Tab (on top)

Click on the Quarantine and see if its listed there.

Second you can look in Application Logs (same area as above) and review any scan logs to see if it shows them being removed.

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Then it is coincidental.  MBAM doesn't remove other applications. That is unless they are classed in the family of trojans called "Rogues".  In that case it would be logged.


Since you have no logged events, MBAM was not the cause.

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