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Update issues

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When I first saw the You Are Not Protected message I did this:

Clicked View Details on the License line.

That show a Key , the State: was Licensed , and Dration: Lifetime .

I thought that I may had accidently chosen the Premium Instal when I ran the MWB Update.

So I clicked the Deactivate Button and selected Yes .


I still am doing this every day because I haven't signed up for the "Paid" Premoum Version of MWB.


I have used MWB Anti-Malware Free for many years, so I thought to look at the messages in the Forum about this topic,

and this being the first one that I saw I decided to become a Member and enter my comments of what I have been doing and later checking the Forum to see what the Moderator says I should do.


I don't want to steal MWB Anti-Malware Premium by using what I haven't paid for.


Thank You.

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My message number 1 in this thread was written to see if anyone at MalwareBytes would tell me why I was seeing MWB Premium AntiMalware opening up on my XP computer instead of the MWB Free AntiMalware version.


I added it as a Reply to another topic, but today I found it was moved in the Forum and given a new Topic Name.


I saw the "Fix It" option when MWB AntiMalware Premium opened up, but I am one who would rather "View The Details" to see what is going on, instead of just clicking on FIX IT.


Was I "GRANDFATHERED IN" to to Premium version because of my long use of the Free version?


I don't want to start using the Premium Features, unless someone in authority here says that I am allowed to do so.


Thank You!

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Hi Edv--


It sounds like you're running into a issue that can happen with our new licensing system in certain rare circumstances.  Apologies for any confusion here!  We'll have a fix for this problem once our next Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program update is released (coming soon!). 


For now you can certainly feel free to use the Premium features with no issue whatsoever--I encourage you to.   :)

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Thanks for the reply Becky,


I will use the Premium features until You All release the next version of MWB Anti-Malware.


Again, thanks for the reassurance.


BTW, I am Paranoid and of the belief whatever I do with MWB IS NOTICED by You All.  <GRIN>

God Bless You AND Yours!

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  • 4 weeks later...



On 10-13-2015 MWB Anti-Malware was updated to Version2.2.0.1024 and a day or so later I deactivated the Premoum setting.


I'm now back to using the Free version.


I see to the Left of the Upgrade option on the Top Right of MWB Free is the word "Activate", and when I hover the mouse cursor on it I see the word darken like it is a clickable button.


I'm not sure about clicking on that "Activate" option.


I have looked at the FAQ and I understand that is for Paid Customers to click on, so I haven't "investigated" what would happen if I clicked on it.   <grin>


I am leaving it alone so I won't accidently enable the Premium Features again.


Thanks for encouraging me to go ahead and use the Premium Features before I got this latest Version update.

I enjoyed the automatic definition updates and scan settings.

Thank You!


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Hello Ed,

It seems to me that the program was running in Trial mode.  To get to free mode, simply just click on the blue-color line on the Dashboard screen that says "End Free Trial".


p.s.  In free or trial mode, the "Activate" is what you would use if and when you have a subscription purchase and is how you start the process of activating the subscription so that Premium features are turned on.  That would lead to the screen to place ( input ) the license Key(s).



Edited by Maurice Naggar
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply Maurice,


I noticed the phrase "Start Free Trial" to the right of the Real Time Protection section of MWB Free.

That phrase isn't shown on this pc, so I must have hit a mouse button when moving the mouse over the MWB wndow and started the free trial no knowing what I'd done.


It ain't the 1st time for me to accidently touch a mouse button in XP.

I lost a whole Sub-Directory while in Windows Explorer one time by doing that.

So I went to a CMD Prompt and from C:\ Iused DIR <a filename I knew was in the missing sub-directory> /s

to search for the file and found out the sub-directory it was in got pulled down to the sub-directory below it.


After moving things back to where I wanted things to be, I told the folks in the FIDO BBS Wndows95 echo what I done, and was remiinded that after I noticed the disapearance of that file section I should had used CTRL Z to Undo my mistake.

All I could say was DUH! when I thanked the person for the reminder.


I am sure I started the Premium Trial by accident.

Thanks to You, Becky and Daledoc1 for helping me learn about why that happened.


I know this reply is a little late Maurice, but the only way I could think of finding out why I was able to use Premium Featurs was to Sign Up as a Forum Member.


I will take a look at this Thread next week to see if anyone made any comments.

I won't Delete my Forum Membership, but Probably Not be a regular visitor to the MWB Forums unless I notice another strang thing happening that I thnk the MWB Program is involved in.


On a Scale Of One To Five I give You All a TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless You All AND Yours!

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Thanks for letting us know.

Just another tip.  When you start the program, it will be on the Dashboard screen.  And right away, you will have some visual clues about the mode of the program, whether Premium or Trial of free.   That will be spelled out on the screen.  As per this sample image.

You can see the wording on the top title bar.  And the 2nd bar across the top.




Welcome aboard the forum.   { and yes, you needed to sign up here in order to post on the forum.}

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