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This is odd because I've been updating fine since today. I believe error code 732 might be related to using a 64bit OS (e.g. Vista) in some circumstance - but I am not.

It could be a malware infection that's stopping me from updating. I have tried to run mbam-rules.exe to update, but when I did so and then tried to run malwarebytes again I got a BSOD - an IRQL error.

I have uninstalled, redownloaded, and am now at database version 2182. I have run a quick scan - nothing. I'll try again to run mbam-rules.exe.

Any help updating would be great, as I'm currently trying to get rid of a google redirecting problem in both Firefox and IE. I run Noscript in FF to limit the damage from the websites that google search links are redirected to.

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I'm very sorry - IE was in "work offline" mode.

I didn't check this properly before I posted because I automatically substituted "firefox" for it as that is my default browser. Also I've read that so many other people find they can't update anti-malware software when they get google hijack problems, which sent me into panic mode.

Please delete this thread, or keep it up as an idiot's guide to how to be an idiot.

Apologies again,


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