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NO internet connection after running Malwarebytes

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Hello and :welcome: :


Removal of certain types of malware can break connectivity.  That can often be repaired with some expert help.

However, we are not permitted to review scan logs or work on possible malware-related issues here in this section of the forum.

Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.

>>As you have already run FRST, please just read that pinned topic above and then please start a new post (with the same logs) in the malware removal section.

A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.

>>>The helper can also assist with getting your Windows 7 updated (no SP1?) and with getting proper security practices in place (no installed anti-virus?).


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I'm sorry for posting in the wrong section. Opened a new topic in the section made for it ( I hope). The computer is not mine, I'm just a free help used from time to time when everything goes wrong...and I'm no computer genius by ANY means. I'll install everything when I'm done with this fix. This computer was just wiped yesterday (not by me) I have extremely talented relatives seems like. 

Anyway. Thx, fixed my mistake :)

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It's not a problem at all.


Newcomers with infected systems often post here in the General Help section first.

Not to worry.


The experts over in the malware removal section will work with you to get it straightened out.

(And, yes, the logs suggest that the computer in question lacks both Windows 7 Service Pack 1 AND an anti-virus.  You'll probably want to get help rectifying that, too.)



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