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using Malwarebytes premium and anti exploit question


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ok ive been using MAlwarebytes premium for years.. and recently installed anti exploit as well... is that overkill... im more of a hardware guy... when it comes to software i know a bit...but this i dont know about... on my pc i have  


Windows 7 ultimate

64 bit

Nvidia Geforce 660 GTX TI 2GB GPU

8 Gigs of DDR3 



MSE "Microsoft Security Essentials "Anti Virus"

MalwareBytes Premium

Malwarebytes Anti Exploit

CCleaner "run 1nce a week"

Spybot Search and destroy "Run once a month or so"


Combo fix i run that once every 6 months.



now should i keep using what i have... and if not what should i not use and whats overkill

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Hello and :welcome: :
MBAM Premium and MBAE are specifically designed to provide complementary protection.
MBAM targets the "what" of malware.
MBAE targets the "how" of malware.
Both provide layered protection alongside one's anti-virus.
There is no one "best" anti-virus -- it there were, there would be only one product available.
MSE is probably as good as any of the other Free AVs, but it has its fans and its detractors. The ultimate choice is up to the user.


Spybot S&D: generally no longer held in high regard by most security experts.  But it's up to you.
As for CCleaner: It is generally safe, but do NOT use the Registry Cleaning function.
More info here: Do I need a Windows Registry Cleaner?
As for Combofix (!!), it is a powerful tool designed for use only with expert guidance on an infected system.
It is NOT designed for routine scanning or maintenance, especially by those untrained in its proper use.
It can damage or brick a system when used incorrectly. :excl:
More info here: ComboFix usage, Questions, Help? - Look here
There are other, offline and online, "second opinion" scanners that are much safer.
But it's always best (read: safer) to solicit expert help from a number of free, reputable sources..

Having said all that....
Many (most?) computer infections initiate from the part of the computer between the chair and the keyboard. ;)
Safe computing practices are critical.
Here are a few links with helpful information:

The complexity of finding, preventing, and cleanup from malware
So how did I get infected in the first place?

Answers to common security questions - Best Practices
How did I get infected?
List of well known antivirus products
Six tips to help you stay safer online



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