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Is HiJackThis obsolete? If not, then where are the modern resources?

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I was into virus removal about 10 years ago and HJT was one of my favorite programs. I had a client the other day and she was having some issues, so I ran HJT and realized I've completely forgotten how to use it. I hit Google and found the same old tutorials and resources I was using in 2004. 

MalwareBytes being my other favorite, I thought I'd swing my here and see what you guys have to say about HJT.

1) Is anybody using it anymore? Is it obsolete and something better has taken its place?

2) Do you know of a modern resource that will help me figure out what to keep and what get rid of after I analyze?

3) What exactly does a guy have to learn in order to fully understand the scan results without having to Google a walk-through every time? 

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The pro dont use HijackThis anymore

They moved to OTL www.geekstogo.com/1888/otl-by-oldtimer-a-modern-replacement-for-hijackthis/

Then they moved to FRST www.geekstogo.com/forum/files/file/435-frst-farbar-recovery-scan-tool/

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Here, @TwinHeadedEagle will occasionally use Zoek 5 by Smeenk from download.bleepingcomputer.com/smeenk/


But usually he, and like pondus said above, many others will ask for a first look with the Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST).


Try lurking through a dozen or so recent, on-line, Malware Removal cases and you will easily see the current trends.

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