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I have some things to says about your tool and this seems the only way to reach you.


1) Please create a proper website with contact information. It looks undone and shady the way it is now.


2) When checking for malware, your tool stops the driver of my Wacom graphic tablet, but forgets to turn it on again after it's finished. I have to restart Windows to be able to move the mouse cursor again.


3) I installed the Software Informer update checker and you simply deinstalled it again without telling me what kind of malware it is.


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I have some things to says about your tool and this seems the only way to reach you.


1) Please create a proper website with contact information. It looks undone and shady the way it is now.

Hello Trulla and welcome.

Creating the sub-forum here is currently in the hands of Malwarebytes staffers. A previous on-going topic is still at http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/528618/issue-with-junkware-removal-tool/ where JRT/author has maintained significant presence for years. @thisisu is a long-time member of the BC Malware Response Team and a Research Engineer/staffer/contributor/Moderator with this forum. Describing the developer or JRT as "shady" is most certainly a regretable slight against both.


2) When checking for malware, your tool stops the driver of my Wacom graphic tablet, but forgets to turn it on again after it's finished. I have to restart Windows to be able to move the mouse cursor again.

It is currently normal operation for JRT to stop many of the computer's services during execution. A system restart should always be made regardless of the results of a JRT execution.


3) I installed the Software Informer update checker and you simply deinstalled it again without telling me what kind of malware it is.

You may wish to report that as a False Positive (FP) for further consideration. JRT currently generates a Windows System Restore Point (SRP) with each execution that may assist in restoring a previous system configuration.

The author/developer of Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) is Filipos Mouliatis, @thisisu. You may wish to Private Message him with your concerns.

Thank you.

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