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So I installed an SSD and started fresh.  Got most everything back up and running, but I'm seeing a lot more ads and pop-ups in IE than before.  I could have sworn Malwarebytes in the past had been blocking some of that stuff.  I know it is blocking some sites as I've had one of the sites I frequent blocked, but it doesn't seem to be what it was on my last HD.  Then I thought, maybe it wasn't Malwarebytes that did it.  I checked the host file from the old HD, and there's nothing there.  Is there something I'm missing or am I misremembering Malwarebytes as being the reason some of this stuff was blocked?

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Hello and :welcome: :

but I'm seeing a lot more ads and pop-ups in IE than before

It sounds as if you could be infected (or at least dealing with PUPs/adware/junkware).
Some of it may have been bundled with the programs you recently installed on your new SSD.

In any event, we are not permitted to review scan logs or work on possible malware-related issues here in this section of the forum.
Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning and cleanup.


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