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[Suggestion] Include the Malwarebytes exclusion for compatibility with other products in the FAQ

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Hi :)

Is it possible to include a thread in the two Malwarebytes FAQ sections that would list what files you need to excluse on other security software so they do not conflict with Malwarebytes? Personally I think it would be quite useful since I've seen that question being asked many times on other forums and I could just link the users straight to a thread here :)

This is what I'm talking about:


This is for Malwarebytes 1.x however, not 2.x.

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Useful, yes.  Time-consuming, yes.  In order to do this, you would need to attempt to install every version of every protection product as it is released (and as it is patched) to be able to determine accurate results.  Results may also vary in terms of which product is resident first.

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Yes, that would be much easier!!!


I just checked here:




The information is there, but its listed individually for each security product.  Also appears to be dated and because of that, incomplete.  The exclusions from our end would only change when new versions force a change, so it would definitely be easier if it were listed in one place for ours, and people who use each of the other products could post their findings for the other products where exclusions are needed.

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Could the first part of this post:


Be adapted for Malwarebytes 2.x? Basically, just list the .exe, .dll and .sys that are vital for Malwarebytes to run, and people can add these themself to their security software :) Right now I think they aren't good because Malwarebytes 2.x doesn't have a ' in the folder name anymore.

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That would be nice :) So now when people ask questions like "What files from Malwarebytes should I add to my Antivirus exclusion list?", I could just link that thread/post and they would have the basic ones to add. If it still doesn't work, we could help them see if more needs to be added but at least they'll have the base ones.

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